Monday, 20 June 2011

new technology and politics

Last week was the Cereals Event, a large technical show for the arable sector showing the newest machinery and crop technology and Bill went off with a long list of things to see and do and came home laden down with brochures and information packs. 

He also brought back two bags of flour grown and milled in the UK, which have since been turned into cheese scones and a loaf of bread, proving that we don’t need imported wheat to produce good baking.

The new technology continued with the fitting of photo voltaic panels to the roof of the house so that we can generate some of our domestic electricity from sunlight. Since the installation, we’ve been watching the generated units mount up on the meter so saving a little bit on our electricity bill, though if everyone turned off the lights when they left the room then we’d probably save just as much.

The week ended with some political lobbying at the annual lunch meeting between farmers from the local branch of the National Farmers Union and two local MPs. It was a good chance to question the politicians about their policies and to discuss and pass on information about issues affecting farming and the rural community.

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